I attended Eurosys 2019 last month and in fact just returned from that trip, as I added three weeks of vacation to the end of it, though the first week had me spending most of the time in a hotel room working on a paper for submission.
I attended the doctoral workshop at Eurosys to pitch my idea for an associative file system. I received useful feedback from both the paper I submitted as well as my presentation. My poster for the doctoral workshop attempted to capture a non-textual perspective on the problem and the approach I am seeking to achieve

I did achieve my goal of ensuring there was minimal text in the poster, though I’m not sure I quite hit the right balance with it.
I also presented a second poster based upon a paper we had submitted around the same idea. This was a very different realization of the same basic concepts.
As I promised in my earlier post, I will be discussing my forward moving file systems idea(s) in more detail as I move along through this project.
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