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February 2025

CPSC 416 (Winter 2022 Term 2): Class Grading Rubric

While individual elements used in computing your grade will have their own detailed rubric, the overall goal of this course is to provide you with multiple opportunities to meet your own goals for a course grade.

Course ComponentWeight
Quiz (Collaboration/Cheating)1%
Project 15%
Project 210%
Project 310%
Project 425%
Project 525%
Final Exam20%
Extra Credit (Optional)up to 40%

Projects will be submitted to Gradescope and consist of two components:

  • A written report that you author to explain your work for the given project. This will be manually graded by the instructional team. (20%)
    • Introduction: here is where you explain your understanding of the project, your goals, and a high level overview of your project submission. (25%)
    • Flow of Control & Code Design: this is about your specific implementation. How does your code work, what design decisions did you have to consider during your design phase? What did you decide and why? How did your implementation cause you to revise your design. Upon reflection, what might you do differently or better the next time you have to develop a project like this one? (50%)
    • What, if anything is missing from your implementation? What do you think should be in the project but is not (enhancements/features)? (15%)
    • What materials did you use when building your design, writing your code, debugging your code, or writing your report? Note these do not need to be formal citations: as long as we can easily find the source of the information based upon what you provide to us, it is an adequate reference. (10%)
    • What specific problems did you identify in the project and how would you propose resolving them (Extra credit) – (up to 25%)
  • The code that you submit to Gradescope that is evaluated using a test harness which employs search space sampling techniques. (80%)

The Final exam will cover the material presented in lecture and in assigned supplemental materials (e.g., readings) in a format that is to be determined.

The Extra Credit opportunities are fairly open ended and will be used to supplement your project and exam scores. The final grade is capped at 100% in any case.

Late Submission

Each project has a specific due date. We will grade your project submissions after the due date. You may submit your projects after this due date, albeit with a 25% penalty. Late submissions must be made prior to the due date of the final Project (Project 5) and will be graded after the final deadline.