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Resources (Winter 2023 Term 1)

This course will provide you with access to a number of resources to facilitate the educational experience. Note that some of these are optional, but are provided to (hopefully) improve your learning experience.

Canvas will be where announcements are made and assessment results are provided. We will not be using Canvas for discussions (about class material or grade issues.)

Piazza will be the official discussion forum. This is where we can both discuss class content and any questions you have about grading. You can access Piazza via the link on Canvas.

Discord will be the unofficial discussion forum. Note that you are not required to use any personally identifiable information with Discord. The reason I use Discord is because it provides a better forum for conversation about issues, in more or less real time. I will hold office hours on Discord as well (in-person office hours will be by appointment.) Note: the link I have added here will expire on September 20. I will update it with the new invite. Note: this is a public facing Discord server, so please feel free to remain anonymous.

Streaming of the classes will be done on Twitch. I will normally highlight the recordings there as well as capture and upload them to YouTube. Since my goal is to use the lecture period for active discussions of the material, I expect to make some (hopefully short) recordings of information that you can view.

YouTube is where I will store recordings. You can also see prior recordings from earlier versions of the class; the style previously was more traditional “lecture style” and may cover topics of interest for you. In addition, I will store recordings of the class sessions on YouTube as well as the live streamed version on Twitch.

Gradescope will present the autograder that you may use as part of the projects. Note that none of the code you submit to Gradescope will be graded for quality or performance, merely for submission (e.g., if you submit something that compiles, you will get credit for it.) Gradescope will be accessible via Canvas.

UBC GitHub will be used to distribute source code and provide for your repository for your project(s). I also expect to use it for the “libraries” of the projects, which will be made public (that is, other people in the course will be able to see them) so please do not include personally identifiable information in them, unless you want people to know who you are.

Office Hours

TonyMonday 14:00-15:00
Wednesday 16:00-17:00
AndyThursday 19:00-20:30Discord
HamidFriday 16:30-18:00Kaiser 4075
JonasThursday 11:00-12:30X150 Table 1 & 2
CathyFriday 09:00-10:30
(Starting Sep 22)