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December 2024

CPSC 416 (Winter 2022 Term 2): Resources

Our goal in this course is to assist you in learning about Distributed Systems. The lectures, labs, exams, and other activities are all in support of our primary goal.

Resources that you must use as part of completing this course for credit:

Resources that you may find useful:

  • Discord: we have a class specific Discord server set up
  • Twitch: the Instructor will stream some content on Twitch
  • Teaching Assistants: the TAs are available to assist you in furthering your understanding of the course. The TAs are, like you, students at UBC and thus have a fixed commitment of time for this course. They will try to help you but please also respect that they have limited time since they are also taking courses, exams, doing projects, etc.
  • Office Hours: both the TAs and Instructor will provide time for office hours. Office hours can either be done in person or online. Note that office hours are not a substitute for private (one-on-one) discussions about your personal grades. At the same time, private meetings are not a substitute for office hours to discuss something that might be generally useful to others.